Monday, September 14, 2009

Coming Home....

We had several visitors at the hospital when we got word that we could go home on Sunday afternoon about 4. Our friends helped us pack and get loaded up. We spend the night alone--just us getting settled. I was still very sore. On Monday, Andy was still off work and able to do everything. I was feeling a little guilty that I couldn't do as much as I wanted. It turns out that by Tuesday and Wednesday I was pretty much feeling back to normal. Andy had to go back to work on Tuesday and I had a friend come stay with me. Thanks Starr!

Corbin slept for 3-4 hours at a time from the minute we brought him home. He did this for almost a week, then decided he would get fussy and scream from about 8-12 every night. He is a perfect happy baby during the day and then at night a different child comes to visit! A friend suggested Gripe Water so we got some today and are going to try it out.

On a funny note, Andy was changing Corbin and had laid down the new diaper under the dirty one and cleaned him up and was pulling the dirty diaper out and it stuck to the new diaper pulling it from under him too. Dumping poo under Corbin and in the process of all this excitement Corbin peed in his own face! Andy came to tell me what had happened and was laughing really hard! I was surprised he was laughing. I would have probably been crying!!

On Thursday, Corbin had his first trip out of the house. Andy, Corbin and I went to the airport to get Granny. I was so excited that she was coming to visit. She got to spoil her newest grand-baby for a few days. She kept him Thursday night for us, so we got to sleep through the night. She also cooked several meals that we froze for later. It was a WONDERFUL weekend! We had lots of visitors. Thanks for all your help Granny!
Granny said the night she got home she woke up about 2am and thought she heard Corbin crying! She looked around and figured out she was back at home. No baby there!

On Friday, Grandma Judi came over to keep Corbin for a couple of hours so I could go have a post-pregnancy margarita and eat fajitas. Granny, Andy, Kim, Amy, Madeline, Brady, and I went to eat and had a great time! He was a perfect angel and we ended up only being gone about an hour! I did miss him though....

Corbin likes to hold his bottle already. He is a super eater and grabs his bottle with both hands with as tight of a grip as he possibly can. It is so cute! He also has his legs crossed most of the time, just like his mama! Pretty cute too!

On Saturday, Corbin got his first sponge bath. He had several baths with baby wipes before then, but had his first official sponge bath that day. He was VERY upset about this. We did plug up a heater and try to keep him warm, but nothing made him happy during the bath.

On Sunday, Grandpa Richard and Grandma Jackie came and spent the afternoon after we took Granny back to the airport. They took lots of good pictures and brought us a couple more meals. We should have plenty to eat for a while! I will post some of the new pictures as soon as we get them!

Today, Monday, September 14th, we both had doctors appointments. Corbin's first trip to the doctor did not make him happy. He is seeing Dr. Evans, which is the pediatrician that Doug and I saw from birth through college! I haven't seen her in 10 years, so it was exciting to get to see her. Dr. Evans is the best! She checked him from head to toe and made him scream! I know that this is all part of the process but it was hard to listen to him scream while she checked him over. He has gained 4 ounces, he now weighs 7 lbs 1 oz. He is doing great!
I went to the doctor today too and he said I was doing wonderful. I can start driving! Yipee! We can get out of the house a little bit now! Another bit of extra good news....I have lost 33 lbs in a little over a week--LOTS and LOTS of fluid (I wish it was always that easy to lose weight)!

It sure has been a busy week full of firsts! We had lots of fun and I can only imagine all the other firsts that are coming. Slow down, I don't want the next month to fly by and me to have to go back to work!

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