Corbin is just getting more fun by the day! He is sleeping from about 11 until 8. He wakes up in the best mood every morning. He wants food and then smiles, ewwws, and awwws! He is starting to actually laugh a little. He is spoiled rotten by me. Apparently he is wonderful when Mrs. Moody or daddy has him, but he demands that I hold him and fusses until I do! So naturally, with him growing so fast and me missing him so much during the day--he usually gets his way :) Even with him fussing sometimes, wanting to be held, he has to be the easiest baby. I could not have imagined having a baby this happy and easy to please. He was weighed and measured this morning and he weighs 12 lbs 3 oz and is 23 inches long at 11 weeks old. He is starting to grow out of his 3 month clothes. I still can't decide who he looks like....some days, I think he is a miniature Jackson and Andy; some days I see Doug in his facial expressions.
The dogs have been close, of course, but this is the first time we let Maggie up on the couch with us. I set Corbin on top of Maggie. She just turned around and licked him. I guess she was just excited to be on the couch. I helped Corbin pet Maggie.
Corbin has decided that he likes baths. He stretches out and loves the warm water. He is starting to kick and slides down the little mesh holder. However, he gets REALLY mad when you take him out of the bathtub to get him dressed. I guess its a little cold out there! The red outfit is officially his big-boy night nights. He has outgrown his infant gowns (oh how I love those things!).
Yes, I know this green outfit is kinda funny looking, but it is very special. It is 32 years old! This is an outfit that Andy wore when he was a baby. How cool is it, that Grandma Jackie still had it and gave it to us.
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